How To Fix Canon printers Error Message 6A90?

In this page you will find the details of your error code and multiple ideas to remove the error from your Canon device. Stick around with us or you can call our toll-free number to talk to professionals about your problem of Canon printers Error Message 6A90.

Things you need to know about Canon Printers error message 6A90:

Canon printers Error Message 6A90

This error occurs during any malfunction while feeding or purging the paper tray. This is also called โ€œ the app sensor errorโ€. This is usually caused by interruption from any foreign object or dust particle stuck inside your Canon inkjet printer system. At times, when you donโ€™t clean your printer often or cover it up with any dust protector, this error might occur.

In this page we have provided multiple solutions for your query, How To Fix Canon printers Error Message 6A90.

Ways to solve the Canon error 6A90:

  1. Check presence of any foreign object or paper debris in Purge drive system: Pull out any paper stuck in it. Fold a paper into four turns and pass it from the printer. Any dust inside will be removed.
  2. Check presence of foreign objects or paper debris around ASF unit: You can use a tiny vacuum cleaner to drag out any dust particle stuck in this region. You will get the cleaner in the market.
  3. Repair services: If none of the solution works for you, then your problem is beyond simple troubleshooting solutions. You need to repair any particular part of your printer, like the logic board or the purge drive system, that is causing problem.

Contact experts to remove all errors at once you need to just dial printer toll-free number:


It is quite natural that you cannot troubleshoot your printer as perfectly as a professional technician will. So donโ€™t take the risk yourself. Contact our experts for canon technical help toll-free number +855-534-1508 and get affordable solutions.